Senin, 26 April 2010

The main dome of the State Mosque is designed with a 18 pointed star shape that represents 13 countries within the State of Malaysia and the five pillars of Islam, even looks as if an umbrella that is being opened to bring the picture aspirations of an independent state.

Is one of the largest mosques in Asia. Rekabentuknya unique and reflects elements of modern art, a typical and traditional Islamic decoration in contemporary style.

big_kl_nationalmosqueSilakan listening map of the capital. Surely you can see that the State Mosque is located side by side with the old railway building Land Melayu (KTM) who has the art of beautiful building, and the location is not far from Monument State Park and the enchanting sea of heads. If you are agile and healthy, you can walk through all locations nearby purposes of this appeal.


Travelers are asked to wear modest clothing and removed his shoes or slippers before entering the mosque. Cloak can also be hired outside the mosque.


To go to this place you can walk or taxi service. State Mosque is located at Jalan Kinabalu old building opposite the railway station Tanah Malaysia (KTM).

Information Center

For more information, please contact the mosque was at the telephone number +603-2693 7905


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