Selasa, 27 April 2010

"Solo ... riwayatmu now ..."

Alhamdulillah finally got the chance trip to Solo, despite four years of college in Yogyakarta, but I've never even when the distance to Solo Yogyakarta - Solo only about an hour's. As usual, after completing the training task, my friends and shopping for souvenirs in the form of a typical city solo meals or souvenirs for the family or the neighbors around the home.

The famous traditional shopping center in Pasar Klewer Solo is, I do not know exactly why the market was named Klewer, there may be events or temapat it has certain characteristics so that the name was used. At that time we stayed at The Sunan Hotel Solo & to achieve Klewer market, we opted for a cab.

Apparently we have come too early, the market still looks new swing & a few shops are open. Finally we decided to first walk into the palace Solo located not too far from that market. Ticket price to enter the palace is quite affordable even for a bag of learners.

Kraton of Solo Map

To surround the palace, we will be guided by a guide who explained every detail of the contents of the palace, the history and genealogy of the family palace of Mataram. We're also allowed to ask about the things that attract our attention. To enter the region of the inner palace, we are advised to open a footwear because we will be entering the sandy areas. The objective of this because the sand was taken from the southern ocean and is believed beneficial to health. In addition to opening footwear, visitors are also required to dress neatly, so for foreign tourists who normally use only shorts and a singlet / tanktop not allowed inside, but there have been provided clothing and batik cloth to cover part of the body that is open for use by visitors " considered "not dress modestly.

Mataram Dynasty Lineage

Besides traveling, we also get information on what activities are often carried out by the palace, both special events for the family palace and the general public. While in terms of physical buildings, there are several statues or decorations that adorned the nuances europe around the palace. When we asked, was the ornament was a gift from a foreign country

Specific areas inside the palace building, visitors are not allowed to enter because the place is a private area for the King and his family. But from the outside, visitors are allowed to immortalize it in the form of photographs or video for documentation. In addition we also take a look around for a collection of historic objects.

In addition to traveling in the area around the palace, we can also enjoy other attractions using buggy / carriage (the term for horse-drawn carriage), which was parked outside the palace gates. However, due to time constraints, we can not move on elsewhere, we only had time to shop batik clothes and food in Klewer market. In addition to clothes and food, you can buy ornaments made of fragrant root in various forms of creation in a case of turtles, elephants, lions, dinosaurs and some forms of butterflies that made key chains, as souvenirs or cabinet collections increase you. Souvenirs are quite interesting and cheap products.

Art Building Sobokarti
Jl. dr. Cipto
Marabunta EMKL (d / h Schouwburg)
Jl. Paradise 23
3 Mandala Bhakti Museum Jl. Mgr. Soegijopranoto
4 Immanuel Church (Blenduk) Jl. Lieutenant General. Suprapto 32
5 Church of Jesus Christ Jl. dr. Cipto 240
6 Cathedral Street. dr. Sutomo
7 Aloysius Church Street. dr. Wahidin
8 Church Atmodirono Jl. Admodirono
9 St Joseph's Catholic Church and rectory Jl.Ronggowarsito 9-11
10 Java Street Christian Church. dr. Cipto 240
11 Protestant Church choosed Jl. Jl. dr. Sutomo 24
12 Kwee Lak Shrine Kwa Jl.Gang edge 107
13 Shrine Liong Hok Bio Jl. Gang edge 110
14 Pagoda Street Ma Tjouw Kiong. Sebandaran I/32
15 Pagoda Street Moa Phay Kee. Gang Little 7
16. Sam Poo Kong temple Jl. Simongan
17 Pagoda Street Gang Tang Kee. Gang edge 70
18 Tay Kak Sie temple Jl. Lombok alley
19 King Street Kauw Cap Shrine. 38 East Wotgandul
20 Tan Sing Ong Pagoda Jl. Sebandaran I/26
21 Pagoda Street Kong Tik Soe. Gang Lombok
Great Mosque Kauman 22 Jl. West Square
23 Mosque Jamik Pekojan Jl. Petolongan 1
24 Mosque Kulitan Jl. Kulitan
25 Mosque Largehead hairtail Jl. Parch
26 Mosque Menyanan Jl. Small Menyanan
27 Mosque Sekayu Kp. Sekayu
28 R.S. St. Elizabeth Street. Kawi 1
29 R.S. Both eyes of William Street. Lieutenant General. S. Parman 5
30 R.S.U.D dr. Kariyadi Jl. dr. Sutomo 16
31 PT. Mega Eltra Jl. South Bandarharjo 8
32 Perusda Other Services and Commerce Street. South Bandarharjo 9
33 Office Jl. Sparrow 11
34 PT.Unilever Office Jl. Sparrow 13
35 PT. Panca Niaga Jl. Sparrow 15
36 KantorCitra Biru Jl. Sparrow 64
37 Bank Niaga Jl. Orioles 2-4
38 Bank Dagang Negara Jl. 6-8 orioles
Office 39. Borsummijwehri Indonesia Jl. Orioles 15-17-19
40 PT.Sun Aliance Jl. Orioles 21
Page 41 Offices. Maskapi Insurance Indonesia Jl. Orioles 24
Office 42 Eagle Nusindo Export - Import Jl. Orioles 25-27
43 Bank Bumi Daya Jl. Orioles 34
44 Advocates Office Jl. Orioles 38
45 Office. Panca Niaga Jl. Lieutenant General. Suprapto 22
46 Jiwasraya Building Jl. Lieutenant General. Suprapto 23-25
Kerta PT.Perum 47 Commerce Street. Lieutenant General. Suprapto 30
Building 48 Marba (De Ziekel) Jl. Lieutenant General. Suprapto 33
49 CV Gadungr Variety Office Jl. Lieutenant General. Suprapto 35
50 Office (ex Der Spiegel) Jl.Letjen. Suprapto (sebr. Marba)
51 Printing Office Street Saka script. Lieutenant General. Suprapto 43
Office 52. Masscom Graphy Jl. Peacock 11-15
PTP XV 53 Office Jl. Mpu Tantular
Rajawali 54 Nusindo (ex Koloniale Netherlands) Jl. Mpu Tantular 11-15
55 Bank Exim Jl. Mpu Tantular 19-21
56 Lloyd Jakarta Office Jl. Mpu Tantular 23
Office 57. Pelni Jl. Mpu Tantular 27
Cooperative GKBI 58 Jl. Mpu Tantular 29
59 Office Jl. Srigunting Park 5-6
Syrup Fresh Corporate Office 60 Jl. Park Srigunting 10
61 N.V. Office HMS & Co.. Import-Export Jl. Srigunting Park 12 A
62 Bank Indonesia Jl. Youth
63 Hotel Dibyapuri Jl. Youth 11
64 Shop Jl. Youth 43
65 Shop Jl. Youth 45
Shop 66 Paradise Street. Youth 66
67 Restaurants Oen Jl. 77 Youth
Office 68. Permorin Jl. Youth 96
68 Pacific Motor Coy (PMC) Jl. Youth
69 PLN Office Jl. Youth 94
70 Office of Pertamina Jl. Youth
71 Lawang Sewu Jl. Youth
72 Balai Yasa (Java Enterprise Regional Office) Jl. Pengapon 2
73 PERUMKA Office Jl. Thamrin 1-3
74 Jl Pasar Johar. Agus Salim
75 Market Street Jatingaleh. Teuku Umar 49
76 Depot Pertamina Jl. dr. Cipto
77 Hotels New Temple Street. Rinjani 21
General Government
78 Hall Street Soldiers. Kyai Saleh 12 A
DPRD II Level 79 Jl. Youth 146
80 Regional Finance Office (House transvestite), Jl. Youth 2
Candis 81 Post Office Jl. Argopuro
82 Post Office Jl. Youth 4
83 Post Office and Reserve Karangturi Jl. Brig. Katamso 862
Post Office 84 and Reserve Street. dr. Wahidin
85 Office of Communication Services Jl. Lieutenant General. Suprapto 7
86 Local Telephone Office Jl. 2 East Square
87 Office of Cooperative Jateng Jl. Orioles
88 Correctional Institution Jl.Soegiyopranoto Feathers
89 Ex. State court Jl. Lieutenant General. Suprapto 19
90 Taspen Office Jl. Youth no.1B
1991 CCA & SMA Kartini Jl. Sultan Agung 77
1992 Franciscan Sister Komplek Jl. Ronggowarsito
SMA 1993 1 Jl. Parks Minister Supeno
SMA 94 3 Jl. Youth
95 SMA 5 Jl. Youth
96 SMA Sedes Sapientiae (complex) Jl. 908 Mataram
97 STM 1 Jl. dr. Cipto 93
STN 98 Jl. dr. Cipto 121
STN 99 6-7 Jl. Suyudono 130
100 Unika Soegijopranoto Jl. Pandanaran 100
Canisius 101 Education Foundation Jl. dr. Wahidin
102 Primary Cooperative Jl.Komp. Port of Tanjung Emas
103 Station Poncol Jl. Imam Bonjol
Tawang Station 104 Jl. Tawang
Dwelling house
105 Castle Gedeh
106 House Office of the Governor of Central Java Jl. Imam Bonjol
107 House Office of the Deputy Governor of Central Java Jl. Rinjani No.1
108 ex. Office of the mayor's house Jl. Brig. Sudiarto
109 Houses Kel. Flatterman Jl. Kyai Saleh No.15
110 Houses Kel. Mr. Hoo Beng Han Jl. Overlapping No.3
Dwelling 111 Jl. Beteng No.65
112th Street Residence. Mrican No.64
Dwelling 113 Jl. West Wotgandul 12
Dwelling 114 Jl. 35 West Wotgandul
115th Street Residence. S. Parman No.. 25
116 Bank Street Residence Director. S. Parman No.. 27
Dwelling 117 Jl. S. Parman No.. 76
Dwelling 118 Jl. S. Parman No.. 78
Dwelling 119 Jl. MT. Haryono 856
Dwelling 120 Jl. dr. Cipto No.157
Dwelling 121 Jl. dr. Cipto No.159
Dwelling 122 Jl. dr. Cipto No. 173
Dwelling 123 (Art. Deco) Jl. dr. Cipto No.248
Dwelling 124 Jl. Maksum Kompol 203
Dwelling 125 AMS Darmawan Jl. Elephants South Mungkur 11A
Dwelling 126 Kel. Thio Jl. 825 Mataram
Dwelling 127 Jl. Sompok No. 8
Dwelling 128 Jl. Sompok 21
Dwelling 129 Jl. Gadjahmada No.57
Dwelling 130 Jl. Parch
Dwelling 131 Gg. Sekayu No.340
Dwelling 132 Gg. Sekayu Kepatihan 269
Dwelling 133 Gg. Sekayu Kepatihan 270
Dwelling 134 Pak Manto Jl. Sekayu No.311
Dwelling 135 coupling (Catharine) Jl. Maksum Kompol 213-215
Dwelling 136 (Sadana) Jl. Maksum Kompol 219
Residence 137 (Bus Silver) Jl. Maksum Kompol 221
Dwelling 138 (bus company) Jl. Maksum Kompol 223
Dwelling 139 Jl. Maksum Kompol 225
Dwelling 140 Kel. Sutiman (Crecendo) Jl. Tabanan 12
Dwelling 141 Jl. A. Yani No.138
Dwelling 142 Abdul Aziz / Djalil Kp. Kulitan No. 195
Dwelling 143 Ka.Rt.03 (ex. Warehouse Leather) Kp. Kulitan No. 196
Dwelling 144 (d / h Tasliman) Kp. Kulitan No. 197
Dwelling 145 A.T Ng.Moeljo Kp. Kulitan No. 198
Dwelling 146 Kp. Kulitan No. 202
Dwelling 147 Moenawar Chalil Kp. Kulitan No. 313
Dwelling 148 (d / h Tasripin) Kp. Kulitan No. 315
Dwelling 149 (ex. Taslamet) Kp. Kulitan No. 318
Dwelling 150 Kp. Kulitan No. 319
Dwelling 151 Kp. Kulitan No. 320
Dwelling 152 Kp. Kulitan No. 321
Dwelling 153 (warehouse) Kp. Petolongan 3
154 Residence of Abdul Gani (Valia Optic) Kp. Petolongan 41
Dwelling 155 (Dr. Wijaya) Kp. Petudungan 76
Dwelling 156 Kp. Petudungan 78
Dwelling 157 (stores / wholesale toys) Kp. Petudungan 80-82
Dwelling 158 Kp. Petudungan 84-86
Dwelling 159 Kp. Petudungan 88-90
Dwelling 160 Kp. Petudungan 92-94
Dwelling 161 Jl. Teuku Umar 54
- Other
162 Gate Department Territorial VII Jl. Youth
163 Bridge Street hernia. Youth
164 Cemetery Street Thio Sing Liang. Sriwijaya
165 Harbor lighthouse Komp. Port of Tanjung Emas
166 Pelkris Jl. dr. Cipto 132
Reservoir 167 Water Street. Diponegoro
168 Park Diponegoro Diponegoro Park
169 Bunderan Tugu Tugu Muda Muda
170 Wisma Driyarkara Jl. dr. Cipto No. 238
Historic Building In Kota Semarang



Art Building Sobokarti

Jl. dr. Cipto

Marabunta EMKL (d / h Schouwburg)

Jl. Paradise 23
3 Mandala Bhakti Museum Jl. Mgr. Soegijopranoto
4 Immanuel Church (Blenduk) Jl. Lieutenant General. Suprapto 32
5 Church of Jesus Christ Jl. dr. Cipto 240
6 Cathedral Street. dr. Sutomo
7 Aloysius Church Street. dr. Wahidin
8 Church Atmodirono Jl. Admodirono
9 St Joseph's Catholic Church and rectory Jl.Ronggowarsito 9-11
10 Java Street Christian Church. dr. Cipto 240
11 Protestant Church choosed Jl. Jl. dr. Sutomo 24
12 Kwee Lak Shrine Kwa Jl.Gang edge 107
13 Shrine Liong Hok Bio Jl. Gang edge 110
14 Pagoda Street Ma Tjouw Kiong. Sebandaran I/32
15 Pagoda Street Moa Phay Kee. Gang Little 7
16. Sam Poo Kong temple Jl. Simongan
17 Pagoda Street Gang Tang Kee. Gang edge 70
18 Tay Kak Sie temple Jl. Lombok alley
19 King Street Kauw Cap Shrine. 38 East Wotgandul
20 Tan Sing Ong Pagoda Jl. Sebandaran I/26
21 Pagoda Street Kong Tik Soe. Gang Lombok
Great Mosque Kauman 22 Jl. West Square
23 Mosque Jamik Pekojan Jl. Petolongan 1
24 Mosque Kulitan Jl. Kulitan
25 Mosque Largehead hairtail Jl. Parch
26 Mosque Menyanan Jl. Small Menyanan
27 Mosque Sekayu Kp. Sekayu
28 R.S. St. Elizabeth Street. Kawi 1
29 R.S. Both eyes of William Street. Lieutenant General. S. Parman 5
30 R.S.U.D dr. Kariyadi Jl. dr. Sutomo 16
31 PT. Mega Eltra Jl. South Bandarharjo 8
32 Perusda Other Services and Commerce Street. South Bandarharjo 9
33 Office Jl. Sparrow 11
34 PT.Unilever Office Jl. Sparrow 13
35 PT. Panca Niaga Jl. Sparrow 15
36 KantorCitra Biru Jl. Sparrow 64
37 Bank Niaga Jl. Orioles 2-4
38 Bank Dagang Negara Jl. 6-8 orioles
Office 39. Borsummijwehri Indonesia Jl. Orioles 15-17-19
40 PT.Sun Aliance Jl. Orioles 21
Page 41 Offices. Maskapi Insurance Indonesia Jl. Orioles 24
Office 42 Eagle Nusindo Export - Import Jl. Orioles 25-27
43 Bank Bumi Daya Jl. Orioles 34
44 Advocates Office Jl. Orioles 38
45 Office. Panca Niaga Jl. Lieutenant General. Suprapto 22
46 Jiwasraya Building Jl. Lieutenant General. Suprapto 23-25
Kerta PT.Perum 47 Commerce Street. Lieutenant General. Suprapto 30
Building 48 Marba (De Ziekel) Jl. Lieutenant General. Suprapto 33
49 CV Gadungr Variety Office Jl. Lieutenant General. Suprapto 35
50 Office (ex Der Spiegel) Jl.Letjen. Suprapto (sebr. Marba)
51 Printing Office Street Saka script. Lieutenant General. Suprapto 43
Office 52. Masscom Graphy Jl. Peacock 11-15
PTP XV 53 Office Jl. Mpu Tantular
Rajawali 54 Nusindo (ex Koloniale Netherlands) Jl. Mpu Tantular 11-15
55 Bank Exim Jl. Mpu Tantular 19-21
56 Lloyd Jakarta Office Jl. Mpu Tantular 23
Office 57. Pelni Jl. Mpu Tantular 27
Cooperative GKBI 58 Jl. Mpu Tantular 29
59 Office Jl. Srigunting Park 5-6
Syrup Fresh Corporate Office 60 Jl. Park Srigunting 10
61 N.V. Office HMS & Co.. Import-Export Jl. Srigunting Park 12 A
62 Bank Indonesia Jl. Youth
63 Hotel Dibyapuri Jl. Youth 11
64 Shop Jl. Youth 43
65 Shop Jl. Youth 45
Shop 66 Paradise Street. Youth 66
67 Restaurants Oen Jl. 77 Youth
Office 68. Permorin Jl. Youth 96
68 Pacific Motor Coy (PMC) Jl. Youth
69 PLN Office Jl. Youth 94
70 Office of Pertamina Jl. Youth
71 Lawang Sewu Jl. Youth
72 Balai Yasa (Java Enterprise Regional Office) Jl. Pengapon 2
73 PERUMKA Office Jl. Thamrin 1-3
74 Jl Pasar Johar. Agus Salim
75 Market Street Jatingaleh. Teuku Umar 49
76 Depot Pertamina Jl. dr. Cipto
77 Hotels New Temple Street. Rinjani 21
General Government
78 Hall Street Soldiers. Kyai Saleh 12 A
DPRD II Level 79 Jl. Youth 146
80 Regional Finance Office (House transvestite), Jl. Youth 2
Candis 81 Post Office Jl. Argopuro
82 Post Office Jl. Youth 4
83 Post Office and Reserve Karangturi Jl. Brig. Katamso 862
Post Office 84 and Reserve Street. dr. Wahidin
85 Office of Communication Services Jl. Lieutenant General. Suprapto 7
86 Local Telephone Office Jl. 2 East Square
87 Office of Cooperative Jateng Jl. Orioles
88 Correctional Institution Jl.Soegiyopranoto Feathers
89 Ex. State court Jl. Lieutenant General. Suprapto 19
90 Taspen Office Jl. Youth no.1B
1991 CCA & SMA Kartini Jl. Sultan Agung 77
1992 Franciscan Sister Komplek Jl. Ronggowarsito
SMA 1993 1 Jl. Parks Minister Supeno
SMA 94 3 Jl. Youth
95 SMA 5 Jl. Youth
96 SMA Sedes Sapientiae (complex) Jl. 908 Mataram
97 STM 1 Jl. dr. Cipto 93
STN 98 Jl. dr. Cipto 121
STN 99 6-7 Jl. Suyudono 130
100 Unika Soegijopranoto Jl. Pandanaran 100
Canisius 101 Education Foundation Jl. dr. Wahidin
102 Primary Cooperative Jl.Komp. Port of Tanjung Emas
103 Station Poncol Jl. Imam Bonjol
Tawang Station 104 Jl. Tawang
Dwelling house
105 Castle Gedeh
106 House Office of the Governor of Central Java Jl. Imam Bonjol
107 House Office of the Deputy Governor of Central Java Jl. Rinjani No.1
108 ex. Office of the mayor's house Jl. Brig. Sudiarto
109 Houses Kel. Flatterman Jl. Kyai Saleh No.15
110 Houses Kel. Mr. Hoo Beng Han Jl. Overlapping No.3
Dwelling 111 Jl. Beteng No.65
112th Street Residence. Mrican No.64
Dwelling 113 Jl. West Wotgandul 12
Dwelling 114 Jl. 35 West Wotgandul
115th Street Residence. S. Parman No.. 25
116 Bank Street Residence Director. S. Parman No.. 27
Dwelling 117 Jl. S. Parman No.. 76
Dwelling 118 Jl. S. Parman No.. 78
Dwelling 119 Jl. MT. Haryono 856
Dwelling 120 Jl. dr. Cipto No.157
Dwelling 121 Jl. dr. Cipto No.159
Dwelling 122 Jl. dr. Cipto No. 173
Dwelling 123 (Art. Deco) Jl. dr. Cipto No.248
Dwelling 124 Jl. Maksum Kompol 203
Dwelling 125 AMS Darmawan Jl. Elephants South Mungkur 11A
Dwelling 126 Kel. Thio Jl. 825 Mataram
Dwelling 127 Jl. Sompok No. 8
Dwelling 128 Jl. Sompok 21
Dwelling 129 Jl. Gadjahmada No.57
Dwelling 130 Jl. Parch
Dwelling 131 Gg. Sekayu No.340
Dwelling 132 Gg. Sekayu Kepatihan 269
Dwelling 133 Gg. Sekayu Kepatihan 270
Dwelling 134 Pak Manto Jl. Sekayu No.311
Dwelling 135 coupling (Catharine) Jl. Maksum Kompol 213-215
Dwelling 136 (Sadana) Jl. Maksum Kompol 219
Residence 137 (Bus Silver) Jl. Maksum Kompol 221
Dwelling 138 (bus company) Jl. Maksum Kompol 223
Dwelling 139 Jl. Maksum Kompol 225
Dwelling 140 Kel. Sutiman (Crecendo) Jl. Tabanan 12
Dwelling 141 Jl. A. Yani No.138
Dwelling 142 Abdul Aziz / Djalil Kp. Kulitan No. 195
Dwelling 143 Ka.Rt.03 (ex. Warehouse Leather) Kp. Kulitan No. 196
Dwelling 144 (d / h Tasliman) Kp. Kulitan No. 197
Dwelling 145 A.T Ng.Moeljo Kp. Kulitan No. 198
Dwelling 146 Kp. Kulitan No. 202
Dwelling 147 Moenawar Chalil Kp. Kulitan No. 313
Dwelling 148 (d / h Tasripin) Kp. Kulitan No. 315
Dwelling 149 (ex. Taslamet) Kp. Kulitan No. 318
Dwelling 150 Kp. Kulitan No. 319
Dwelling 151 Kp. Kulitan No. 320
Dwelling 152 Kp. Kulitan No. 321
Dwelling 153 (warehouse) Kp. Petolongan 3
154 Residence of Abdul Gani (Valia Optic) Kp. Petolongan 41
Dwelling 155 (Dr. Wijaya) Kp. Petudungan 76
Dwelling 156 Kp. Petudungan 78
Dwelling 157 (stores / wholesale toys) Kp. Petudungan 80-82
Dwelling 158 Kp. Petudungan 84-86
Dwelling 159 Kp. Petudungan 88-90
Dwelling 160 Kp. Petudungan 92-94
Dwelling 161 Jl. Teuku Umar 54
- Other
162 Gate Department Territorial VII Jl. Youth
163 Bridge Street hernia. Youth
164 Cemetery Street Thio Sing Liang. Sriwijaya
165 Harbor lighthouse Komp. Port of Tanjung Emas
166 Pelkris Jl. dr. Cipto 132
Reservoir 167 Water Street. Diponegoro
168 Park Diponegoro Diponegoro Park
169 Bunderan Tugu Tugu Muda Muda
170 Wisma Driyarkara Jl. dr. Cipto No. 238